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The Profiles

There are 12 profiles in Human Design. The profile represents the suit we wear in this life. This is how people see us and this is how we are supposed to get to our life purpose. So, let’s take a brief look at the the 12 roles:

1/3 Investigator/Martyr – Eternal students of life who find security by learning via mistakes.
1/4 Investigator/Opportunist – Eternal students of life who form solid friendships to share deep and strange passions.
2/4 Hermit/Opportunist – Private people with hidden mission. Opportunists called by their network. They can be surprising.
2/5 Hermit/Heretic – Private people who seduce on many levels without even realizing it
3/5 Martyr/Heretic – People who learn and discover by making mistakes and seduce on many levels without realizing it.
3/6 Martyr/Role Model – Here to guide others through the wisdom of their own mistakes.
4/1 Opportunist/Investigator – Great teachers – people who can’t change the way they are. Fixed fate.
4/6 Opportunist/Role Model – Objective witness who use their social skills to teach and influence others.
5/1 Heretic/Investigator – People who bring practical answers during crisis, deep need for privacy.
5/2 Heretic/Hermit – People who have a lot expected of them but would rather be left alone. They have to be self-motivated.
6/2 Role Model/Hermit – Role Models. They have to stay guarded to remain influential. They rather be left alone to do their own thing.
6/3 Role Model/Martyr – People who embrace chaos and need to develop a good sense of humour about themselves while making their discoveries through a trial and error process.

Let’s look at each line separately:

Line 1 Investigator – Foundation of the house

Investigator, insecure until they have a solid foundation and then may become an authority, introspective – will listen in order to learn, research and study driven, secure foundation for what can be spread tribally, fundamentals/ details.

Always represents the essence of the Hexagram! It is the foundation of the whole house. They are only involved with themselves. Do not have great social skills. All first lines are looking inward to find the basis of things. If a first line cannot study or be educated, they will always feel inferior. The first line must be an authority – and stand on a solid foundation. The first line says: “I am studying and I don’t even know you are there!”

Line 2 Hermit – Window on the first level of the house with the lights in and everybody sees them.

Hermit, the natural, internal creativity, just doing their own thing, leave me alone, shyness/ boldness, others need to break barrier first, always noticed, here to get the calling from the tribe, looking for harmony, unsure of skills until further development, about timing. Projection outward.

The second line projects out the essence of the first line – but it does not know the depth behind it! It is a natural that is here to be called out to its own magic. It does not want to study anything – it is either a natural or not. It is here to be called. It does not know if it can fulfill the projection or expectation of the other. Can feel inadequate and wonder about itself. The second line says: I am just being me and I don’t know what you see in me and why you are calling me out. I want to be left alone.

Line 3 Martyr – The stairs from the 1st to the 2nd level of the house (transition between the lower and upper hexagrams, the end of the lower trigram).

Martyr, anarchist, discovering what doesn’t work, pessimistic but persistent, adaptable, bonds made and broken, must learn on their own, mutative, individual, externally creative, material plane.

They must go through many experiences in life that they bump into so that they can go through trial and error in order to get to a place of either synthesis or discovery or both. Their purpose is adaption. It is about the material nature of the world and they learn by “mistakes”. They get to see what does not work. All third lines must change the focus from “failure or mistake” to “discover of what went wrong or what didn’t work.” Without this, third lines can get lost in pessimism and negativity. The third line says: “I didn’t mean to bump into you, into it or whatever. I’m just self-absorbed in my own life!”

Line 4 Opportunist – foundation of the 2nd floor of the house analogy.

External influence through friendship, here to spread foundational research when it’s ready, network, social but also people fatigue, influence, friend. Externalizes foundation through network of opportunity.

All fourth lines are focused and fixed. They externalize the original foundation of the first line – but they themselves study just enough to have what they need to get something out. Their whole interest is to be able to influence the other. They are deeply involved in finding and making friendships to get the opportunity to put out what they know. That is their gift. They have tremendous influence. The fourth line says: “I’m waiting for someone I know to come so that I can influence him/her with this wonderful stuff I know.”

Line 5 Heretic – window on the 2nd floor of the house, behind closed curtains.

Influence the collective, Universalization, practical (hero through practicality), aware, can be paranoid because of projection, wants attention from others, capacity to universalize. Projection inward (receives), projection is seductive, projection is not what’s real – like the savior sought after.

This is not the foundation of the hexagram but how the world sees it! The fifth line is always projected on that it has something of value. Wehether it does or not it must only put out what is practical otherwise it will be punished by those who projected on it! It has its greatest influence over strangers rather than those it knows. Remember – no body can see the fifth line. They are hidden, mysterious, behind the curtian. They are here to call the other and when they deliver the practical – then they end up with universal influence.
The fifth line says: What do you want? What are you projecting one me that I can do for you?

Line 6 Role Model – the roof of the house

Role model, optimism, objective, trusting or not, transition to the future, living example.

The sixth line is not part of the house. They are looking far away. They are up on the roof – and they don’t even see the house. Everything looks really different from up there and they don’t care what is going on in the house. They ride the whole process – looking at all the other houses. The sixth line says: “I may get involved if I see clear evidence that it is of value and I can trust it.” All sixth lines are looking for transition. They are looking to move to the next stage, the next process, the next place.

All sixth lines go through 3 stages in life:

– first 30 years is a 3rd line experience (trying things, “mistakes”, can take that pessimism into the 2nd phase of life)

– ages 30-50 is on the roof (watching, seeing things in a new way, integrating first 30 years, contemplating entire scope of things)

– 50+ and it is flowering, time to come down off the roof, and be the role model by being themselves.


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